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Tuesday, March 30, 2010


As you can see it is Tuesday. Kaitie here. AT school today it was very 'Smiley' What I mean by that is that at least half of my school day I spent smiling or laughing. Which is not very normal by the way. I think it was because it was the first real day I could were just my sweater outside and play hopscotch. That's right HOPSCOTCH. Ohhh I highlighted that word in purple pink! Pink is a shade by the way. I learned that in grade 6.
We timed ourselves to see how fast we could finish the hopscotch. Ok I have decided now that every time I write hopscotch it will be in purple pink.

ANYWAY I got an "A" as my unit mark in social Studies
which is kind of a relief because I've pretty much been getting 'B's' all term long. Today though we start another unit, this time on where I live, which by the way I will not tell you If you are even reading this.
Lol I watched Julie & Julia the other day, it was funny, but now I think I sound like Julie. I have religion class tonight so I have to suffer through the Used To Be Meaner But Still Mean Mean Girl Trio. which I may refer to as the UTBMBSMMGT which will be highlighted in angry red like so: UTBMBSMMGT
That's all for this post but I'll tell you more about the UTBMBSMMGT later on in my next post.

Bye People

P.S. COOL My name has a color of the rainbow for every letter!

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