SO in my last post I mentioned the
UTBMBSMMGT which means Used To Be Meaner But Still Mean Mean Girls Trio.
I said that I'd explain them to you reader (If you're there). Mind you I WILL NOT use real names. so here is a little profile I made for each of them because I might refer to these names later if I use an individual instead of the whole Trio.
Name: Tammy
Place in Trio: Leader / Twin / Clone
Appearance: Short, with long blond hair. Blue eyes. Very smart.
What They Do: Glares and Whispers to followers, pretty silent. Lets her followers do things for her. Also Wears the same things as Jane therefore referred to as a twin or Clone.
Name: Jane
Place in Trio: Leader's right hand man or Girl in this case / Twin / Clone
Appearence: taller than Tammy with long brown hair. Green eyes. not so smart.
What They Do: Talk to the victims, (Name calling Put downs etc. etc.) Also gives glares and silent treatment. Also is a Twin/ clone to Tammy wearing the same things.
Name: Katlyn
Place In Trio: Tag along/ follower/ copycat
Appearance: Short Red hair, TALLer than Tammy & Jane. Brown eyes very smart
What They Do: She pretty much is a tag along, she does do almost the same as Jane but less. she is a Copycat. Meaning if tammy joins soccer so does katlyn. She tries to be a Twin/clone like Jane and Tammy, but they don't go shopping with her or call her every night discussing what to wear the next day.
You may be thinking:
that's it? that's MEAN? HA! well That's what most people say if they don't know them. But once you've met them you'll agree. It's uncomfortable to just be by them!
So That was the
UTBMBSMMGT for you. I have to suffer all three tonight. I'll tell you how it went later because, it has not even happened yet.
Bye for Now